You'll have just over 24 hours to complete your project, so every moment counts. To make the most of this intense and productive period, here’s some advice to help you stay on top of your game.

Keep the Momentum Going

The hackathon doesn't pause when the sun goes down – neither should your creativity or energy. You have a bit more than a full day to bring your ideas to life and present your deliverable. This is your opportunity to dive deep into your project, explore innovative solutions, and collaborate with your team to create something remarkable.

Comfort is Key

Considering the non-stop nature of the event, we highly recommend bringing a sleeping bag or any comfortable alternatives for resting. Quick naps or a few moments of relaxation can significantly boost your energy and focus, enabling you to perform at your best throughout the hackathon.

Here are a few suggestions to enhance your comfort and rest:

Find Your Rest Zone

While it's important to stay close to your workstation to maximize productivity, finding a comfortable spot for a brief rest can make a significant difference in your hackathon experience. Look for quiet corners or designated rest areas where you can unwind without straying too far from your project.